Program Information — Series 1 & 2
Click on a program in the right-hand column to see a description and program notes.

Cross-Species Calls

Alarm calls that sound quite similar to us, may sound quite different to birds. Nonetheless, alarm and mobbing calls often bring responses from several species, even though their own alarm calls may sound quite different.

Chris Tenney recorded the white-crowned sparrow's call along the Big Sur coast. He recorded the recorded the call of the dusky flycatcher in the central Sierra Nevada. I slowed the calls 16 time (dropping the pitch 4 octaves) using Bias Peak. Tenney recorded the mixed flock alarm calls at Elkhorn Slough.

Series 1
Vocal Range
Importance of Song
Avoiding Monotony
Learning Song
Hip Hop Mimicry
Hummingbird Complexity
Syrinx Anatomy
Internal Duets (Cardinal)
Internal Duets (Cowbird)
Internal Duets (Thrushes)
Syrinx & Pan Pipes

Series 2
Songs & Calls
Call Repertoires
Alarm Calls
Mobbing Calls
Call Notes
Cross-Species Alarms
Lungs & Air Sacs
Circular Breathing